Design Humor

50 Shades of #FAFAFA

A moderately inappropriate look at silly things designers do and don’t do

Jon Moore
10 min readNov 3, 2016


Us designers take our work pretty seriously. This article does not.

Before we start: If you’re interested, check out the design system I recently built in Figma! Hopefully you find it useful as you’re doing your work.

1. Use a UI framework. I know you want to make this design your own. I tell you what, come up with a design system even 10% as beautiful and extensible as Material Design and then we’ll talk. Devs can build faster, you can save yourself time, and your users won’t have as much work figuring out new usage conventions.

2. Stop creating your own typography rules. I know the fancy style guides look gorgeous on Dribbble. But do you really have it in you to explain the nuances of your kerning rules to development for the next 6 months?

3. Pick 5 colors (check out #2 at that link). Make it work. I know you can do it! Oh dang, gives you 5 new colors every time you press your spacebar. Hot dog!

4. Make your grays darker. Nobody can read that text. (But seriously, I agree it looks nice. So I leave it in your designs and let dev fix it later 😄).

This is a motivational poster that only I can read.

